Fierce Challenge

Complete film must be submitted by 11:59 pm on November 15, 2020 Script Selections CLOSED
-An official OIF Script-to-Screen Challenge.
Special Notes Regarding COVID-19:
Please make safety on set a top priority during this unusual period. We recommend all filmmakers instruct their cast and crew on safe-set practices or ask them to take a safe-set course such as this one:
Filmmakers may wish to ask participants to fill out a basic questionnaire to better assess risk. A sample one can be downloaded here:
We are a sponsor for this event which will be hosted by the Orlando Independent Filmmakers (OIF Orlando). This Florida Short Film Challenge is open to participants from the Orlando, Tampa Bay and Jacksonville area. Winners from OIF Orlando, an affiliate of this organization, are eligible for awards presented by the organizers of OIF Orlando.
Best Makeup, Best Production Design, Best Original Music, Best Sound, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Lead Actor, Lead Actress, Best Original Story, Best Director
In addition the “Best short film” selection from each locality is an automatic entry for the “Fierce Challenge, Best Short Film, Florida 2020” Award.
Certificates are also issued for best-in-genre and other criteria.
All selected final film entries are planned to be screened at a large commercial theater in Central Florida, pending government guidelines and best practices.

Award Categories
- Crystal Awards for: Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Music, Best Director, Best Cinematographer, Best Editor, Best Original Story, Best Sound, Best Set Design, Best Hair/MUA. Crystal Awards.
- Certificate Awards: Audience Awards, Honorable Mentions.
Submit an engaging original. Include a memorable story with scenes and characters to thrill the audience at the premiere. Keep it FIERCE!
Submission forms for entries will become available online during the second half of August, 2020. The form will be posted on the OIF Orlando site ( Select your filming location from the drop-down choices (Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville)
- Submission deadline for scripts: August 25, 2020
- Script must be an original, not based on any other work.
- Complete film must be submitted by 11:59 pm on November 15, 2020
- This Challenge is open to all Florida filmmakers, but they must submit through one of the above localities at this time.
- Choose one of the following genres: Horror, Sci-Fi or Drama. Comedic versions are welcome.
- Keep it clean, max rating of PG-13. Limit any profanity. No nudity. Blood and gore are okay for this Challenge.
- Maximum script length: 10 pages
- Maximum total film run-time (including credits, but excluding any required slates): 10 minutes.
- If your script is selected your production has secured screening spot at the event and your cast and crew are eligible for awards as long as the final film is submitted by the deadline and you followed all guidelines.
- Please use these hashtags #YOURFILMNAME #FierceChallenge #OIF
- Since qualified selections will be screened at an OIF-sponsored Premiere Screening Event, your film may NOT be shown at any venue or festival prior same.
- Post premiere screening, your film should be eligible for submission into most, if not all, Film Festivals.
- Standard Terms and Conditions will be posted on the submission form.
Entry for this Challenge is FREE to anyone submitting through an OIF group (Orlando, Tampa or Jacksonville). Due to the residual effects the COVID-19 pandemic, the Orlando group is leading this inaugural multi-city Challenge and Screening. some of the links herein will point to their website and their assets, which you are permitted to use for the purposes listed on this page.
Here are the guidelines to qualify for an OIF Screening. Please review these carefully to ensure your film is screened.
Standard Challenge Entry Guidelines
You warrant that you are not a director, writer or lead actor directly participating in more than one film being submitted to the current OIF Challenge.
An actor may only participate in a maximum of two (2) LEAD roles or maximum of three (3) SUPPORTING roles in film submissions for this Challenge to be eligible for an award. Participation as a lead role will deduct from the total limit for Supporting roles (i.e. if you play a lead in any submission, your limit for participation in supporting roles is now 2).
These limits are inclusive for ALL participating localities.
It is the responsibility of the filmmaker submitting the entry to ensure their crew and talent are aware of all guidelines.
At the beginning of the timeline, immediately following the ratings board (see samples), the film should contain a black matte with, this graphic overlaid (click on image, then right-click on larger image to “save-as”), identifying the film as part of an OIF Challenge Entry. The two boards, the ratings board and this OIF Challenge Identification board should be shown for three seconds each. The display of these required graphics are not considered part of the running time limit for the Challenge.
Once completed, selected qualifying films will secure a screening spot at the OIF premiere. Your film may NOT be shown elsewhere prior to the set OIF Challenge screening date. The OIF screening is a PRIVATE film PREMIERE event open to members and their guests ONLY. This condition enables you to satisfy the non-public-showing requirement for most film festivals.
Please visit the submission page at to send us a copy of any of the following:
Your Film for Challenge entry, the Film Poster, Film Trailer, Filmmaker Bio.
Additional resources may be available to you on this page as well.
Entry Guidelines Specific to this Challenge
Required Film specs:
Final: H.264 mp4 format, 16:9 aspect ratio (1920×1080).
* Other aspect ratios will be letter-boxed into 1080p frame size.
* Any other frame size will be either sized up or down to 1080p for screening purposes.
Frame Rates: 23.98, 24, 29.97, 30 fps
Should the theater require films in DCP (Digital Cinema Package) format, we will produce that from your submission entries.
Audio Settings:
Audio format: AAC 48Khz stero at 320kbps
Normalize overall Audio levels to a MAX -3db. NO PEAKING to zero db or above (In general, keep your audio output to 24 LUFS)
Normalize dialogue levels set -12 to -6
Bit rate: 15 Mbps target for a 1080HD ier
By submitting a film, via url link or other media, you agree to the following:
- You are the authorized owner or agent for the production being submitted.
- You certify that the script is based on an original story where you or a member of your production team is the copyright holder. No adaptations.
- The very beginning of the film should have a suggested rating, please use the ratings on this page as a guide. The legible rating, normally on a green background, should display for a minimum of three (3) seconds. Film rating must be disclosed when submitting your entry.
- You have obtained all necessary talent and location releases for the submitted production.
- OIF may show or post images, photos or trailers of your film, up to 30 seconds, via their distribution channels for marketing and promotional purposes. Primarily for the purposes of generating exposure for your film and the event for which it is being submitted. If provided, OIF will link the trailer to an appropriate online page of your choice.
- Running length limitation of the film to be submitted varies and is posted on the submission page. Total running time includes credits.
- For any Challenges or similar events where submissions over 20 minutes in length are allowed, it is strongly recommended that a trailer be submitted as well for the aforementioned purposes.
- Films must be presented in the English Language or have English sub-titles.
- All other talent or crew member may participate in as many productions as they like.
- Only directors and/or producers are authorized to nominate candidates for OIF Awards.
Some of the entry guidelines on this page are modeled after general Film Festival Submission Guidelines, furthering our participants’ preparedness in the film industry.
These guidelines are also established to foster greater general participation in film-making and to provide a fairer environment for recognizing local filmmaker’s talents.
Guidelines are subject to change without notice. Please review them carefully prior to submitting your entry.