
Donate to FCO Today


Help us help creatives enhance skills to bring you stories that entertain, educate, and touch lives. Consider donating any amount today.


We currently rely on donations from people like you in order to carry on our mission goals. Consider playing a beneficial part in someone’s life. Who knows, one day in their career, they may create something with a profound effect on you as well!

This site is dedicated for use by our donors. Please create an account here for easier future access as well as invitations to programs exclusively for donors.

All directors and officers of the Organization donate their time freely to help build a strong community of independent filmmakers, craftsmen and others in the arts. 100% of your donation goes to supporting valuable programs and activities that promote creative participation and engagement in these communities.

The Organization of Independent Filmmakers is a registered 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization.
For most people, donations are tax-deductible, please check with your accountant for your particular situation.

Your privacy is important to us. We will never sell your data nor will we spam your inbox.