Category: Workshop How NOT to "fix it in post"!

How NOT to "fix it in post"!

June 24, 2021

"Arrrrgghhhhhh!!!! Plane!" "Oh that's ok, we can fix in post".."Uh, the note was on the table when you sat down" "That's ok, we can fix it in post"

It isn't the editor's job to fix things - yet writers and filmmakers do things that create a world of "fix it in post." How great would it be if the editor doesn't loss all their marbles fixing things in post?

This your chance to learn HOW TO NOT FIX THING IN POST!!!! Join the Organization of Independent Filmmakers and Spaceship show us how to utilized an editor's perspective and influence early in production to save time, money, and headaches, IN POST!!!

Spaceship is the Executive Vice President of Space Dream Productions, an independent film and music production company with a focus on creating true to the world of independent art: telling stories that need to be told, and creating music that needs to be heard. Spaceship has recorded his own original music, along with being an Audio Curator. Spaceship is a contributing artist for a couple of Emmy award winning songs produced with hitRECord. So you definitely do not want to miss this. Learn something new or refresh your skill for an hour followed by a short Q&A.

SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 24, 2021 starting @ 7:30 PM

For more details visit ourĀ Workshop Page.

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